Friday, August 27, 2010

Name Of Different Types Of Dental Burs

In Togo, they eat dogs

Vogan, 27.08.2010

am Yesterday I got me the benefit of a previously unknown Togolese court. The film entitled "In China They Eat Dogs" should be in "In Togo, they also eat dogs", as amended. So yesterday I've eaten dog. can for all dog lovers among you, this will probably be unimaginable, but meat is meat ... now times
The consistency of the meat we compare very well with the wings of beef and the taste of highly spiced around the chicken. Dog is one traditionally Godfather (a kind of mush that tastes like nothing) and chili sauce.
The opportunity to write here what I thought about the food here.

By and large, are eaten a lot of carbohydrates and proteins. So much rice, noodles, Pat, beans, etc., and almost always fish or meat. To the vitamins you have to take care of yourself here - fruits like pineapple or oranges can be relatively cheap to buy on the street. The offer is always very dependent on the season.

So far I have the food actually very well tolerated - one, two times was pretty bad and then got paid several visits to the toilet.
After the dog food we all went to a beauty contest. A huge, extremely noisy spectacles I've pretty soon leave because the whole event has taken forever. Before us, the organizers have spontaneously set in the first row, so that the Yovos (White on Ewe) and can see everything so well. This was again a bit strange, because we have the people behind us, of course, totally blocking the view - that was the organizers, however, care less.
is just like the pageant and everything else in Togo generally associated with high volume. Überall versuchen die Bars sich gegenseitig mit ihrer Musik zu übertrumpfen – egal wie schlecht die Qualität der Musik, bzw. der Boxen ist. Conversations are possible only with cries. In consequence of an evening in a bar is then still relatively hard.


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