12th place in the national competition circuit decision of the DJF was on 16/05/2009 it far in cloudy weather, the youth fire brigade Bischofsreut made on the way to the district Freyung decision in the national competition of the German youth fire brigade. The group of youth officer and Sebastian Ortner stellv.Jugendwart Eisner Bernard showed great enthusiasm despite the bad weather and was very motivated and confidently. Thus, the youth officer team was sometimes more excited as the participants, since they are made within one and a half months, a group (with four new items) had to shape the requirements should meet. Then asked the youth whether their use is waiting was worth it.
was reached in Freyung, for registration and the tension rose, as the youth group of firefighters Bischofsreut build the first fire attack musste.Unter the eyes of the referees mastered the group that but with a good rating under the guidance of group leader Schmeizl Martina had to step in at short notice within two days. Here is a great praise and respect for the deployment. In the B section, there were unfortunately a few bugs to complain that the fun does not cloud the competition, however.
were so, the two young people waiting and the entire youth team facilitated when the ceremony was and the youth Bischofsreut hide braucht.Auch in no way compared to other commander Thomas Madl, President Schraml Roland and radio waiting Stefan Schmid had come to support the youth and to cheer. According to sports director would Ortner better placement have been possible but twelfth of 16 youth teams is in order here because counting only the Olympic spirit and the togetherness of the group.
"If the youth had fun and decides in the future for the fire department has the tedious and time-creating work paid off with the youth," said sports director Ortner Sebastian and thanked with Eisner Bernhard of the entire youth group to participate in the competition and their use and Elan, which should be rewarded with a thank you barbecue two weeks later.
Here are the participating youth groups: first
Rehberg II, 2 Angle Brunn I, 3 Heinrichsreut have for the country's decision qualified.
Here the following positions: low Perlesreut, Rehberg I, II angle Brunn, Fürholz, Haidmühle, Schiefweg, Ringelai, Bischofsreut, Harsdorf, Köppenreut-Neureut Grainet and rear of the plane.
Here the youth participants Bischofsreut: group leader Schmeizl Martina with their team: Blöchl Tobias, Frank Simon, Grimbs Jonas, Werner Klein, Madl Philipp, Sebastian Riedel, Manuel Schmid and Seibold Tobias.